
Microsoft really doesn't want you installing Windows 11 on unsupported hardware | PC Gamer - delauneknothis

Microsoft really doesn't want you installment Windows 11 on unsupported hardware

Laptop running Windows 11 sitting on an off-white table
Windows 11 Laptop (Persona credit: Microsoft)

Microsoft really doesn't want you installation Windows 11 on a PC that doesn't fulfil the nominal scheme requirements. It besides won't hold on you. Instead, Microsoft constructed a user agreement that effectively exonerates it of any culpability if things miscarry, and removes any obligation to issue updates to your defiant frame-up.

We already knew Microsoft might choose to withhold OS updates to unsupported systems. But what roughly multitude may recover equally startling is the ingratiation that you could somehow harm your PC in a agency that voids the warranty by forcing Windows 11 onto it.

The warning is part of a user agreement pledged to the latest beta build, damaged past The Verge, which you must admit in front proceeding.

"This PC doesn't meet the negligible system requirements for track Windows 11 - these requirements help secure a more trusty and high quality receive. Installing Windows 11 on this PC is not recommended and may result in compatibility issues," the agreement states.

"If you you proceed with installing Windows 11, your PC will no longer constitute supported and North Korean won't be entitled to receive updates. Damages to your PC due to lack of compatibility aren't beaded below the manufacturing business guarantee. By selecting Accept, you are acknowledging that you learn and understand this statement."

The unafraid text edition is away my possess doing, to highlight the pertinent part of the agreement about potentially voiding your PC's warranty. Character of me feels like it's scarcely boilerplate language, only another part as wel feels like it borders on existence a scare tactic.

Could you actually damage your PC by operative Windows 11 on unsupported hardware? The agreement sure makes it sound like it's accomplishable. The Verge ran into this subject matter when installing Windows 11 on a PC that failing the recently revived Microcomputer Health Check app because the system was functional an Intel 7th gen Core i7 7700K processor, which isn't on Microsoft's list of supported CPUs.

Largely, fostered CPUs date back to Intel's 8th gen CPUs and AMD's second-gen Ryzen processors. All the same, Microsoft new added a few 7th gen Intel chips to the list—mostly Xeon processors, but also the Core i5 7640X, which is found in its Airfoil Studio 2. So no more worries about damaging that PC.

The groundless 7700K is a 4-core/8-thread CPU clocked at 4.2GHz to 4.5GHz, with 8MB of L3 cache and a 91W TDP. In comparison, the supported Core i5 7640X is a 4-core/4-wander C.P.U. clocked a 4GHz to 4.2GHz, with 6MB of L3 cache and a 112W TDP. Both are founded on Intel's Kaby Lake architecture.

Why is unrivaled supported and the other is not? If taking Microsoft at its word, its telemetry found that supported hardware delivers a 99.8% break up-unfreeze experience in Windows 11, whereas happening unsupported hardware, it observed "52% more than kernel mode crashes." It's hard to imagine the 7640X providing a significantly more stable experience than the 7700K, if the least bit, but there's your sweeping explanation.

Arguably the more pressing concern for users who speculation into Windows 11 territory without an official pass is the possibility that Microsoft might traverse them system and security updates. I'm curious to see how that actually plays out—I get that it takes additional resources to extend accompaniment out to additional computer hardware, but on the flip side, it's non in anyone's best interest to leave slightly senior PCs vulnerable to exploits and have them possibly become part of a botnet.

Thus we'll get a line how it all plays out, and rather shortly—Windows 11 launches to the public on October 5, which is inferior than ii weeks from now.

Paul Lilly

Paul has been playing PC games and raking his knuckle duster connected computer hardware since the Commodore 64. He does not give any tattoos, but thinks it would be cool to get one that reads LOAD"*",8,1. In his off prison term, he rides motorcycles and wrestles alligators (single ane of those is true).


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